Tag: mild buffoonery

One-Sentence Story Notes for “Mild Buffoonery”

My dog Osi (pictured above) recently read my new book, Mild Buffoonery. Her review: “Woof.”

Hopefully that’s positive. I don’t speak dogish. All I can tell you for certain is that Mild Buffoonery is a collection of humorous essays on topics ranging from parenting to music to sports to reminiscence about a cruise I took a decade ago. In other words, I think I’ve really lived up to the title.

If you haven’t read the book yet, maybe these one-sentence story notes will get you interested. If you’ve already read it, maybe these notes will deepen your appreciation (or distaste). Either way, that’s enough stalling from me. Let’s get to the essays!

“A Dad’s Review of Disney on Ice”

After posting this story to my blog and getting a warm reception, I became inspired to write this entire book.

“Irrational Fears of the Possibly Supernatural”

Ghost sightings always make for good stories—even in nonfiction.

“The Land of Buckets and Honey”

I enjoy essays with strange subjects, and I don’t think it gets any stranger than porta-potties.

“Grand Theft Auto: Nassau Edition”

Thus far, this has proven to be the book’s most popular entry, despite potential embarrassment for myself and/or my dad.

“Is All Art Really Quite Useless?”

I wrote this piece on my blog several years ago, though I added three mini-stories here to underscore my points and make it feel more substantive.

“Hilarity at the Movies (Accidentally)”

“What? No!”

“Famous Person”

My wife Sara is fairly unimpressed with celebrities (unless they happen to be Tim Shriver), so I really tried to win her over with this one.

“The Return of the Albany Book Festival”

I was trying to write my version of David Foster Wallace’s “Ticket to the Fair,” in which the author wanders around making witty observations, though I’m unsure if I succeeded.

“Hot Sauce and the Importance of Humor”

I often write in fits and starts, finding dead ends and doubling back until I discover the proper route, yet this was one of those rare pieces that simply flowed.

“In the Absence of a Drum Kit, Tabletops Are a Decent Substitute”

Perhaps the most Sedarisian essay of the bunch, specifically reminding me of “The Understudy,” in which the author vividly describes a bizarre babysitter.

“The Losers’ Game”

My editor, Matt Price, described this one has the most “wistful” essay in the collection, and I think he’s spot-on.

“Giving Thanks for the Applause”

I tried expanding this one, but after re-reading it several times, I concluded its brevity was a strength, not a flaw.

“I Admire Poets”

I think the lengthy digression in the middle of this essay adds flavor to what’s already a fairly tasty entry—and if food isn’t poetry, I don’t know what is.

“Three Hours and 64 Ounces”

I apologize in advance; this is the second essay in the book centered around bathroom humor.


I like this piece because it’s specific yet universal, in that most of us wear styles in the past that embarrass us in the present.

“A Tale of Two Gigs”

Yes, the band is still around, but no, we haven’t returned to Randy’s.

“Remembering Gizzvember”

Perhaps the most self-indulgent essay of the bunch—and considering the aforementioned one about porta-potties, that’s really saying something.

“Five Rules of Karaoke (Plus One More)”

Nostalgia is a powerful force.

“Why Tapas Restaurants Fill Me With Nothing But Rage”

Probably better described as a rant than an essay.

“Slut Life”

Proof that I need a stronger optical prescription.

“Birds, Bets, and Sarcastic Texts”

I’ve changed my mind—this is my favorite entry in the book.

“On Being Descended from an Extreme Cheapskate”

After years of wanting to write about Jeff Yeager, I finally found the opportunity.

Grab Your Copy

Ready to read Mild Buffoonery? It’s available in ebook, paperback, and hardcover from tons of places. Get your copy today!

Kyle A. Massa is a comic fantasy author living somewhere in upstate New York with his wife, their daughter, and three wild animals. His published works include five books and several short stories. When he’s not writing, he enjoys reading, running, and drinking coffee.

A New Book, and This Time, It’s Personal (Essays)

Greetings reader,

I’m happy to report that Mild Buffoonery is available right now in ebook, paperback, and hardcover. There’s no film adaptation, but we’re working on the script.

I’m pleased to report that early readers have commended its “good humor,” “fun and lighthearted writing style,” and its “essential contributions to humankind rivaled only by the wheel.” (That last one was completely fabricated.) It even peaked at number 25 on Amazon’s Rural Life Humor category, which I consider a major victory.

In no particular order, here are some of my personal favorite excerpts from the book:

You get the idea. You can purchase your digital copy right on my website, paperback at Amazon, or hardcover at Barnes & Noble. (Note: The B&N link is active as I write this, but I think they’re still building it. Might want to check back an a bit if it’s not active.)

Whatever you choose, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it!



P.S. I’ll be reading some essays from the book live this Sunday, September 17, at 10am EST. Hope to see you there!

Kyle A. Massa is a comic fantasy author living somewhere in upstate New York with his wife, their daughter, and three wild animals. His published works include five books and several short stories. When he’s not writing, he enjoys reading, running, and drinking coffee.

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