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The Wild Ride of Publishing Wide

Wide publishing

Being an indie author is like being a grizzled old fisherman—you catch more if you cast a wider net. (Of course, dear reader, I know you’re a human, not a fish.)

I build my net out of websites. BookFunnel, Amazon, Smashwords, even this very site you’ve found yourself on. The more sites you can buy my books, the wider my net. Speaking of which, let’s take a look at the net.

This Here Website

Yes, you can buy books on without ever leaving it. And sorry for the salesy marketing speak, but it’s now easier than ever.

When you bought a book from my site in the past, you’d receive an automated email with several files attached. Functional, but not optimal. I’ve got a better way now thanks to BookFunnel.

When you buy a book on my site, BookFunnel automatically emails you with a download page. You may select from a loaded buffet of options, including Kindle, iPad, iPhone, Android, or computer. BookFunnel will hook you up with the proper file type, and often deliver it right to your desired device.

It’s really quite an elegant service. If you’d like to try it out for yourself, you can download my triptych short story collection, Past, Present, Future. It’s everybody’s favorite price: free.

Almighty Amazon

Yes, Amazon is essentially essential at this point for any indie author. My books have been there for years—but there’s a newcomer to the party.

You may remember Big Riches, Fine Wine, and a Pinch of Dragonsbane appearing as an exclusive story on my site last year. Now that it’s existed for a full calendar year, I’ve given it to Almighty Amazon.

To be clear, you can still buy Dragonsbane on my site. Just trying to expand that net, ya know?

A Smashing Smashwords Discount

If you’ve made it this far, you’re in luck. Smashwords has an annual summer sale, and two of my books, Gerald Barkley Rocks and Monsters at Dusk, are both discounted for—please don’t pass out—75% off.

So, for the summer only, you can get either (or why not both?) for $1.24 per purchase. They are not going to get any cheaper than that!

Widening That Net

It’s important to me to make my books available in as many places as possible. Yes, I want to sell more. But I also believe book should be available to anyone who wants to read them, no matter where they find them.

I hope my wide net finds you. And, if not, please email me at and let me know. I’ll see what I can do for you!

Kyle A. Massa is a speculative fiction author living somewhere in upstate New York with his wife, their cats, and their dog. He has written two books and numerous short stories, both published and yet-to-be published. He enjoys unusual narrative structures, multiple POVs, and stories that make readers laugh.

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