So Long, Time

A clock ticks on for Daylight Savings Time.

This week’s post is a poem—or rather, a gripe. Maybe a poetic gripe. Whatever it is, it goes like this:

Crankiness. Bleariness. Sadness. Despair.

But Daylight Savings Time doesn’t care.

That is all. Get a nap if you can.

Kyle A. Massa is a comedy author of some sort living somewhere in upstate New York with his wife, their daughter, and three wild animals. His published works include five books, along with several short stories, essays, and poems. When he’s not writing, he enjoys reading, running, and drinking coffee.

1 Comment

  1. Audrey Driscoll

    Here in British Columbia we thought we were on the brink of doing away with the time flip-flop a few years ago, along with the western US states. But stuff got in the way–covid and Trump–and the idea fizzled out.

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