

So a funny thing happened this morning. A blob ate all my books and made a book bundle.

It’s not every day that an oozing amoeboid mass swallows your life’s work, but here we are. I don’t know where it came from or why it ate my stuff, but it’s offering terms.

$4.99. That’s the price the Holiday Blob has set.

Full disclosure: I’m not happy about this book bundle. I usually sell one e-book for that price, not four. But, evidently, the holiday blob has no regard for my feelings. Here’s what it’s selling:

To reiterate, that’s four ebooks ($10.97 in total value), all yours for a fiver.

My only silver lining: The blob’s only staying for 2020. So, from now until December 31, you can get this book bundle for just $4.99.

I hope you’re happy, Holiday Book Blob. You’ve ruined my holiday cheer.